"Events in North Africa have placed the spotlight on the personal qualities and leadership styles of those in positions of power and influence in the political arena.
We live in a world where everybody wants to be a leader. True, people occupy leadership positions at all levels of society, many of which are removed from the public eye. But when it comes to the workplace where, unlike in politics, there is at least some form of control as to who gets into leadership positions, you’ve got to choose your leaders carefully. (emphasis mine)
Not everyone who wants to be a leader should be allowed to be. That’s because too many of them are attracted to leadership positions not by a desire to serve others but by a craving for the trappings of leadership – the power, position and perks they believe accompany a leadership position.
Smooth talkers are able to worm their way into positions which give them the opportunity to look after the most important person in their lives – themselves. And once in the position, they will use what ever resources are at their disposal to enrich themselves, exploit others and entrench themselves even further to ensure sustainability of their position. All this will be done, of course, under the banner of it’s being good for everyone else – their country, company or community. (emphasis mine)
Being a smooth talker and a good looker does, however, not a leader make. Neither, contrary to the popular opinion of some business executives and government officials, does driving a smart – or fast – car, wearing expensive clothes, having connections that get you a slap on the wrist when caught speeding or violating a traffic regulation, no matter how important the need to speed (in the “leader’s” eyes).
Leadership, according to them, places them firmly above the “hoi polloy” – the great unwashed plebs – as well as above the law. Their motto is: “Rules are for fools. Leaders break them.” Rules apply to “the others” – those who haven’t been “blessed” with a leadership position.
Such leaders could well have graduated from the Muammar Gaddafi School of Leadership (MGSL). They are found in all walks of life. They’re found in cabinets of governments, in company board rooms and in communities at ground level.
As you think about it, you will quickly identify a number of leaders both locally and elsewhere who could well have graduated from the MGSL. Here, then, are a few of the lessons they were probably taught at the Muammar Gaddafi School of Leadership:
Surround yourself with “yes men and women” who will obey your every instruction without question. This is a key lesson. Once you get these people’s loyalty, reward it with generosity. Keep the rewards flowing to them and you won’t have to worry about a thing. You will need supporters close to you who carry out your every instruction without assessing or questioning the instruction. (emphasis mine)
Don’t ever let your key people feel secure in their jobs. Let them feel they could lose their jobs, and their perks, at any moment. If they feel comfortable, they will never keep bending over backwards to please you. So keep them hungry, scared and uncertain. (emphasis mine)
Regularly throw tantrums so that the people close to you see the power of your personality. This will motivate them to please you so that they don’t become the target of your tantrums.
Bully and threaten your supporters with physical or financial harm. There’s nothing like the hint of a threat of physical or financial harm to keep people focused on what you want them to do for you.
When people turn on you, as they will eventually do, eliminate them as quickly as possible. Don’t allow them to try to turn you to their way of thinking. Remember, you determine what’s right and wrong. Others don’t have that privilege.
On the other hand, if you’re prepared to be a leader who wishes to serve people and build a country, company or community, the only way to do it is to act with integrity and authenticity. But then you’ll need to attend a completely different leadership school." (emphasis mine)