Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Musée Mécanique in San Francisco - Visit the site while I am away due to medical prescription

The post below is not by chance. I am having serious back problems and went to the physician today. He has forbidden the computer for at least five days and I will have to make therapeutic treatment next week.
So this is the museum I prescribe you to visit:

"We will take you on a journey from turn of the century hand cranked music boxes to modern video arcade games. This is a trip down memory lane. It is a chance to show your children or grandchildren what you did for fun when you were their age. Before video games at home, perhaps before television, perhaps what you remember sitting in your grandparent's parlor

For those of you who grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, it is a chance to remember Playland at the Beach, Sutro Baths and the Cliff House. There is our own "Laffing Sal", "Susie the Can-Can Dancer" and the fascinating "Carnival." Other things have been brought in from around the world for your amusement."

Gypsy Queen

Photo by Cathy Lynch

Musee Mecanique, San Francisco, California por Blazenhoff.


You can click at the images to go to the original page.
It's not working. I will put the images later.


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Musée Mécanique in San Francisco - Visit the site while I am away due to medical prescription

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