Monday, November 30, 2009

Destino - Walt Disney and Salvador Dali working together

Destino DALI & Walt disney from cesar laurent on Vimeo.

Walt Disney was inspired by many artists and used some of the artistic tendencies of the twenty century like German expressionism and surrealism.

The Walt Disney Company released in 2003 "Destino" a project Disney started in collaboration with the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali in 1945. After nine months they had to stop because the economy during war times were terrible.

Walt Disney's brother, Roy Disney worked on the project and used fifteen Dali's paintings, the music singed by the Spanish Dora Luz and drafts of the story.


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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Choking first aid - I needed it today - The importance of 1st-aid should be taken seriously

Today I thought I was going to die because a piece of meat I swallowed got stuck and I could not breath.
I thought: "is this the way I'm going to die?" I could not speak either and a man started doing the subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrusts but it didn't help. I got very nervous but someone said: "Don't get nervous. Easy!" so I sat and relaxed with my head down and could expelled.
I realized how dangerous it can be because it's not very divulged. I remembered the movie Mrs Doubtfire when she helps Pierce Brosnan's character in the restaurant.
I realized that there are not people trained to help people in restaurants and maybe waiting for rescue can be fatal. So I am putting the site below that explain how to is the 1st-Aid for choking. It was a little traumatic for me. I hope it never happens to you or in case it happens someone knows how to deal with it. I needed someone to put his finger in my throat to take the meat away. Fortunately I always bend my body and put my head down when I am not feeling fine.


-Cut food into small pieces.
-Chew food slowly and thoroughly, especially if wearing dentures.
-Avoid laughing and talking during chewing and swallowing.
-Avoid excessive intake of alcohol before and during meals.

Infants and Children:
-Keep marbles, beads, thumbtacks, and other small objects out of their reach and prevent them from walking, running, or playing with food or toys in their mouths.

If you observe an "conscious" ADULT choking:
-Ask, "Are you choking?"
-If the victim can speak, cough, or breathe, DO NOT INTERFERE.
-If the victim CANNOT speak, cough, or breathe, give subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver) until the foreign body is expelled or the victim becomes unconscious. (Or in case of extreme obesity or late pregnancy, give chest thrusts.)

IIf the Victim Becomes Unconscious:

Visit the site for all the informations. We only think about 1st-aid when we need help. If you have any 1st-aid site that you believe is good leave a comment and I will publish it. I can only think about choking for the moment.
Have a good and healthy week!
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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Andy Warhol's shoes

Yes, Andy Warhol also used shoes as a theme like we saw two post below Van Gogh's shoes and boots.
This is the series "A la recherche du shoe perdu", title inspired by Marcel Proust's oeuvre "In Search of Lost Time - A la Recherche du temps perdu", Andy Warhol did in 1955 with captions by Ralph Pomeroy.
Prior to this he had already used shoes as theme passing around his friends to promote himself and at this series he depicts shoes in a very glamorous and magical way.
In 1980-1 he publishes the series "Diamond Dust Shoes" using diamond dusts in his printings.
Today is Saturday. Put on your red shoes and dance! Dancing is very Warhol since he said that he did nothing but going to parties.

I am a deeply superficial person.

"An artist is somebody who produces things that people don't need to have."

"During the 1960s, I think, people forgot what emotions were supposed to be. And I don't think they've ever remembered."
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Friday, November 27, 2009

The mysterious colored wall in Huston

Huston we have a problem!
I found the two photos above at Flickr from @Hella's collection. She takes amazing pictures at Huston and other places.
I searched and found...
the wall... I have no idea how these photos were taken.
If anybody lives in Huston and know about this wall please leave a comment.
Thank you!
Have a colorful and happy weekend!
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

My first Thanksgiving

I had a glimpse of what thanksgiving means for Americans at Cypris Village. I published this video with some pictures of the lesson.
I learned the history and also what are the feelings of these Americans tutors that live in Japan, Korea and US.
It made me more close to what Thanksgiving really is.
No sound this time because I thought about saying something but I am a little shy to publish my voice. Maybe it will be possible one day or maybe I will add a music.
Thank you all at Cypris that made it possible.
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Van Gogh's boots and shoes

Shoes and boots were often painted by Van Gogh and generated many studies by philosophers and other scholars. Martin Heidegger was the first to present his thoughts when he saw the "Boots with laces" at a museum. Mayer Schapiro has answered him and there has been other authors trying to explain the phenomenon.
I like looking and feeling.
I just wish they were all at the same museum and I could go there... now!
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Charlie Chaplin - "The table ballet" and "The Great Dictator"

Forever in our minds and souls.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Having fun with Judith Leyster's "Self-portrait"

I took this from this site and you can do this appreciation there where it is complete. There are "exercises" from other painters like Van Gogh, Gauguin, Vermeer at NGA Classroom: Online Resources for Teachers and Students and it is really good and funny to what they are doing. Have fun!

How do you see Judith Leyster from looking carefully at her self-portrait?

Read her bio, examine every bit of the painting, and then, using your mouse, select the adjectives that best describe her.

Shy Poor Inexperienced
Skilled Rich Self-confident
Educated Artistic Tattered
Musical Modern Successful
Happy Clever Well-dressed
Untrained Proud Outspoken

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Escher - "Relativity"

This is "Relativity" a 1953 lithography by Escher and one of his most famous works.
It is amazing that his work is so well known and inspired not only artists but also propaganda, graphic designs and other areas, even mathematics.
We are not in a somewhat imaginary world like at the Piranesi stairs three posts below.
It is gravity the main issue here. It also deals with perspective and the explicitness representation of three-dimensional space in the two-dimensional medias one of the recurrent themes of Escher's work.
The right image is from the site Escher for Real that I have already showed at this other post about Escher.
If you want to know more about Escher The Official M. C. Escher Website has many informations.

" I am always wandering around in enigmas. There are young people who constantly come to tell me: you, too, are making Op Art. I haven't the slightest idea what that is, Op Art. I've been doing this work for thirty years now."

" The things I want to express are so beautiful and pure."

" So let us then try to climb the mountain, not by stepping on what is below us, but to pull us up at what is above us, for my part at the stars; amen."

" I play a tiresome game."

" I don't grow up. In me is the small child of my early days."
M. C. Escher

I remember the first time I saw Escher works. It is always an amazing experience. I wanted to put other pictures but it would be too much.

Lots of stairs! Escher, Piranesi and Duchamp.
In a way I think of them as counter-parents.
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