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Sunday, January 31, 2010
strange creatures star nosed mole

Star-nosed moles are easily identified by the eleven pairs of pink fleshy appendages ringing their snout which are used as a touch organ with more than 25,000 minute sensory receptors, known as Eimer’s organs, with which this hamster-sized mole feels its way around.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
A post from my other blog - February 7 - International Day in Memory of SSRI Victims

"A suicide of 19-year-old Traci Johnson, a healthy volunteer in a duloxetine clinical pharmacology study, was highly publicized. For about a month she had been given high doses of duloxetine, and then she was switched to placebo. Four days after the switch, she hanged herself with her scarf from a shower rod in the bathroom of Lilly Laboratory for Clinical Research.[65][66] The New York Times article mentioned a withdrawal syndrome as a possible reason for this suicide."I always thought about changing the avatar but whenever I looked at this bright smile it gave me courage to keep going for it is not easy to deal with this subject and most of the friends I met because of this blog that are dealing with psych-drugs harms feel the same. I wish I did not know about it all but I cannot stop trying to raise awareness because these drugs are destroying lives.
Last year I did a post in February in Tracy Johnson's memory and I have already scheduled this year post but today morning I thought that it was not enough.
So I though about dedicating this day to all those people who have their lives changed because of SSRI harm.
I wrote an e-mail to some of my friends and this is the outcome of my idea with their inputs:
February 7 - International Day in Memory of SSRI Fatalities

SSRI fatalities are those who have died violently due to homicide of suicide induced by SSRIs and now there are newborns that suffer heart malformations or any other teratogenic disturbance.
I would also like to remember people that have their quality of life changed because of the use of SSRI as a teenager.
Those who are not aware of these facts may be asking themselves why is it happening or even if it is true that a drug that has killed during clinical trial can be at the market.
You just got your answer: "market". We are talking about money and corruption is causing too much harm.
I will change my picture next 7th February and leave Tracy Johnson in peace. I want to thank her for all these months she was here by my side.
R.I.P. Tracy Johnson
I want to thank my blog friends that helped me and encouraged me to keep going:
Bob Fiddaman at Seroxat Sufferers
Mark p.s. 2 at Psychiatric Survivor
Matthew at It's quite an experience
Susan at If you're going through hell keep going
Needles to say that without them I would not be able to do it.
* This is the Awareness Ribbon for the International Day in Memory of SSRI Fatalities created by Aloisio Congrejo, an italian Second Life artist that was kind enough to do it when I asked him. You can see some of his works at Flickr. Thank you very much Aloisio!
I just did an event at Bloggers Unite and I am waiting if they will accept it.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sweet Friends Award from Herrad

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Britain Seen From the North by Tony Cragg

This is one of many Anthony Gragg's periods.
(From the display caption August 2004)""*Tony Cragg made this work during a visit to Britain in 1981, when he felt that the nation was beset by social and economic difficulties. The figure to the left is a portrait of the artist. Cragg lives in Germany, so although Britain is his native country he was viewing it through the eyes of an outsider.
Typically for Cragg, the work consists of many individual objects, arranged to form a larger image. This has prompted his work to be described as a 'relationship of the part to the whole', an idea derived from particle physics.
*Tate gallery site.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bar at the Folie Bergère by Édouard Manet

Leftt: "Bar at the Folie Bergère", 1881, by Édouard Manet.
Right: Detail
This is a very famous of Manet's painting.
At the back of the girl there is a mirror showing the scene in front of her and she doesn't seem to pay attention to any particular person or event.
Take a look at her image at the mirror at the right side of the painting. The mirror shows what is parallel to the girl but her back is painted in another angle as if it was another mirror. The man looking at her should also be depicted as if he was facing us.
Manet's solution is far more interesting and accurate than if he had painted it following the mirror's rules. This is far more warm and, why not, realistic? I believe that if we were in front of the girl our heads would turn to see the man.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
"Noli me Tangere" painted by Giotto, Fra Angelico, Holbein, Tintoretto, Titien, Coreggio, Bronzino, Alonso Cano, Rembrandt, Poussin and James Tissot

As I said at yesterday's post this biblical theme was painted by many artists.
It depicts a scene that happened in seconds and it seems that Jesus is going away just after saying "Noli Me Tangere" to meet his father.
Click at the images to enlarge the thumbnails and put your mouse at each image to know the name of the artist and the year.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tube map of the Milky Way or an invitation to a trip to London ?

"Design classic that it is, our beloved Tube map has been twisted and distorted into all kinds of ulterior uses over the decades. We're no strangers to such manipulations ourselves. But how's this for the ultimate in schematic ambition?
Samuel Arbesman, a computational sociology fellow at Harvard University and a man who sits on ducks, has come to the aid of intragalactic commuters with this handy Tube map of the Milky Way (bigger image). Each stop on the network represents about 1000 light years, allowing hilarious jokes to be constructed about comparative journey times with the Northern Line.
Pretty cool, though, eh? Unfortunately, the Eurostar to the Andromeda Galaxy is not shown, having got stuck in a black hole.
Filed in Miscellaneous and tagged harvard, map, transport, tube"
This is at Londonist and I have already written about the London underground map here and here. When I saw Mr. Samuel Arbesman's map I didn't even realized what it was about because I first saw Harry Beck's design of the original map.
I rather go to London for the moment.
Noli Me Tangere by Alexander Ivanov - Mary Magdalene and biblical themes

Right: detail
Left: Noli Me Tangere, 1835, by Alexander Ivanov.
Noli me tangere "Do not touch me" is what Christ said to Mary Magdalene when she sees him and recognizes him after the resurrection:
"John 20:17 - Jesus saith unto her, TOUCH ME NOT; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God (all quotes from the KJV)."
The theme was painted by many artists specially during renascence. At the next post I will publish the most famous.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Yoga - I did it with Orlando Cani a great Brazilian teacher

"Orlando Cani was born on November 1935 in the city of Rodeio in the north of Santa Catarina where he lived until the age of 13, when he came to live in Rio de Janeiro. At 16 he got to know Yoga through the professor and master Jean-Pierre Bastiou, with whom he practiced corrective gymnastics. At 18, he entered the army’s school of parachuting. At 20, he graduated in Physical Education, and soon after began competing both on a national and international level at various sporting events. He was Rio de Janeiro’s champion of Olympic gymnastics and swimming, as well as acting as a coach in both events. He participated in various world championships of the Military Pentathlon (competition that involves five events, running, swimming, shooting, obstacle course and throwing with precision and distance), making him two time world champion, receiving personally from the from the country’s president, at the time, Castelo Branco, the highest award in sports the “Sport Medal of Honor” (Cruz do Mérito Desportivo).In 1973, he went to India for a specialized course in Yoga at the Yoga Institute of Bombay, and there met his guru of Hatha Yoga, sri Yogendra. In Richikech (Ashram de Sivananda), he met his spiritual guru, Swame Chidananda.Orlando Cani has been a professor of physical education since 1956 and a professor of Yoga since 1961. He trains and has trained athletes in various events, like Rickson Gracie in Martial Arts; the Olympic female and male volleyball teams (an invitation from the coach Bernardinho); the double teams of beach volleyball, like Guilherme and Pará and Shelda and Adriana; the bi-champion of the triathlon Dolabella; surfers like Ricardo Bocão and Mudinho among others. He participated as a trainer in body expression in theater and dance and as a lecturer in national and international conventions on physical activities since 1979.On a more personal level, he belongs to a beautiful family, made up of his wife lara Cani, his daughters Roberta and Patricia and his grandchildren Bruno and Rodrigo, as well and his numerous friends and long time students. This family gives him incredible affectionate and emotional support."
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Terry Rodgers invites you to party

He painted many parties of rich people and in a way he makes us not only a witness or a voyeur.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Haiti Emergence - Doctors Without Borders need donation to keep working
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