Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Need to Googlify My Entire Life!

I'm not kidding, I've decided that I want Google to completely run my life. Google recently added a new brilliant feature to their email service. Are you like me and love to send drunk emails? Do you regret them first thing in the morning? Well if you have Gmail you can add the "mail goggles" option that requires you to solve 5 math problems in 43 seconds before your message will be sent. Rule of Thumb: If you can't get your math done in the allotted time you should not send the email. Sadly for IBBB, I wouldn't be able to do the math sober.

I wish that my cell phone had this well as my mouth....and hand gestures.....and mind. Google needs to control me. I hope someone is working on that.

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I Need to Googlify My Entire Life!

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