Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti Emergence - Doctors Without Borders need donation to keep working

As I admire their work I wrote about Doctors Without Borders last year and they are at Haiti:

Stay Connected with our Work

Drawing on our emergency medical work around the world, we seek to generate greater awareness of the magnitude and severity of crises that may or may not be reflected in media accounts.

You can use the tools below to make an impact on behalf of MSF's patients by simply sharing our message.

"Trying to catch people's attention to something so far removed from their daily reality which barely impacts them is hard. But if we cover all bases, we can make in-roads into their awareness."
—MSF nurse Fiona Bass


Use this button on your blog or website to let others know how to support our work in Haiti and 60 other countries around the world.

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Haiti: MSF Treats 2,000 Patients; Working to Expand Surgical Capacity

© Julie Remy

Surgery needs are huge; more than 300 patients in need of surgery have been tranferred from MSF's Martissant health center to Choscal hospital, a facility in the Cité Soleil district.


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Haiti Emergence - Doctors Without Borders need donation to keep working

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