Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I am not psycopath but I got a 24% delusional rate in a test online

Your result for The Are You a Psychopath? Test...

Your result for The Are You a Psychopath? Test ...

The Healthy Mind

You scored 83% empathic, 24% delusional, 81% sociable, and 58% law-abiding!

You don't have any gross defects of character at all. You might have your problems, but for the most part you're simply a normal person and most definitely not a psychopath in any way

Take The Are You a Psychopath? Test at HelloQuizzy.

I don't know what 24% delusional rate means but I am happy not to be a psychopath. I am not sure if taking this tests mean something because psychopaths lie and some of them pass liar detector with no problems.
Why I took this quiz? Because a friend of mine just came back from holidays and there was a woman with strange behaviors, stabbing a boyfriend is one of them as well as taking drugs, lying and others.
Nobody knows how to deal with her or how to help her.
Sad but we have to take care.

Mark at Psychiatry Survivor left a comment explaining how to help a psychopath:

Blogger Mark p.s.2 said...

How to help a psychopath? The psychopath is helping you! Really! You just have to understand why the psychopath is right and you are wrong.

January 6, 2010 4:49 AM

Hehe! Thank you Mark for the insightful solution!


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I am not psycopath but I got a 24% delusional rate in a test online

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