Thursday, October 30, 2008

Newsworthy Statements from Mariah Carey. Thanks US Weekly!

Leave it to US Weekly to get the hard hitting entertainment stories. I am sad to report that as of Thursday, October 30th in the year of 2008, Mariah Carey and her husband are still undecided on a Halloween costume. I know. Give me a minute to pick up the pieces of my shattered existence. Although there is a glowing light at the end of this dark tunnel. You see, Mariah and Nick are considering being either sexy firefighters, Egyptians, or chocolate chip cookies. What wonderful choices. How 'bout Mariah just goes as something really her actual age. Ohhhh! Stop me if ya heard it before! Tip your waitress. Try the veal! End scene.


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Newsworthy Statements from Mariah Carey. Thanks US Weekly!

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