Monday, January 12, 2009

Samantha Micelli Has "The Tyra"

Oh snap! Mrs. Rossini is going to be pissed over this! I remember what a big deal it was when Samantha Micelli didn't want to play football anymore with Tony because it hurt when she was trying to catch the football. You see, kids, Sam was sprouting breasts and Tony needed to go and buy her a training bra (the one with the little bow in the middle). Mrs. Rossini should have been called to discuss a big step like this.

Anybower, Alyssa Milano sprouted a new hairstyle ("The Tyra") and headed out to the LA Confidential Magazine Golden Globe fiesta at Skybar in LA over the weekend. I still me gusta Alyssa Milano after all these years. I also me gusta Skybar in LA. I know it's not considered "the place to be" anymore, but I still love it. There's just something about having some beers outside overlooking LA that makes me content. Maybe that's a problem, but I digress.


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Samantha Micelli Has "The Tyra"

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