Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Collage by Francis Picabia and Pablo Picasso

Right: Pablo Picasso, Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper, 1913, collage and pen and ink on blue paper.
Left: Francis Picabia, L'Oeil Cacodylate, 1921, oil on canvas, with collaged photographs, postcards and other papers.

Collage became very known lately and there are even some online sites where after choosing some images it's possible to create one.
The technique was first used in art by Francis Picabia one of the most important members of the Dada movement - notice the name "Tristan Tzara" one of the founders of Dada, at the bottom-right of his collage.
At this site there are some other artists that used this medium and a good explanation of the technique.

"Collage" was originally a French word, derived from the word coller, meaning "to paste."


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Collage by Francis Picabia and Pablo Picasso

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