» bindi sue
» Happy 10th Birthday Bindi Sue Irwin. I Love You.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy 10th Birthday Bindi Sue Irwin. I Love You.
Happy 10th birthday Bindi, you little bitch, happy birthday! The always lovable and never annoying Bindi celebrated the big day in Australia at the Australia Zoo on the Sunshine Coast. Bindi and her mom, who really got dressed up for occasion, had a cake made with a photo of Steve Irwin placed right...on....top....of the cake. I'm sure Bindi felt happy, lucky, and so excited just to be blowing out the candles in front of hundreds of onlookers, most of whom where probably filthy pedophiles. Eh, I'm sure this is just the first in a long line of occasions when Bindi will be on her knees blowing something. I mean, this career as a jungle girl can't last forever and she's gonna need to make ends meet somehow! Bitch.
Happy 10th Birthday Bindi Sue Irwin. I Love You.
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