Lindsay Lohan, her paste white legs, her freckles, and Samantha Rotten enjoyed a nice and sunny lunch in NYC at Bar Pitti. After the meal Lindsay and Sam enjoyed coffee and a cigarette. And totally know that Lindsay must have taken a huge freckly dump minutes after the cigarette. The poor patrons at Bar Pitti. Speaking of which, have you have been to Bar Pitti? I've been 4 times. Technically I only ate their once, the other 3 times I couldn't be seated for over 2 hours. Oh, and they don't accept credit cards...or checks...or seashells. Good luck trying to pay the bill without money. They tend to not like that.
I wish I was at the table next to Lindsay, who was taking a break from filming Ugly Betty, and Sam. I would have just looked at them the whole time and tried to get into their conversation. I would have been like, "Hey, what are you guys talking about? Lesbian stuff?" Or maybe as they were talking I would have just interrupted and been like, "Dina what?" If none of that worked I would have picked up my cell phone and would have been like, "Hey Ali. Yeah, I'm good, how are you? I like the new song. Oh, hold on I have a beep. Hello? Hey Dina, what up!" That totally would have messed with Linds. Then when Linds asked who I was talking to I would just say, "Ugh. Can I just have some privacy please. I'm a person too, you know!" Wow I'm a tool.
When She Gets All Steamed Up Then She'll Shout. Tip Her Over and Pour Her Out!
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