Monday, January 12, 2009

Fun With Lindsay Lohan's Myspace Blog: Everyone is Creepy

IBBB is bringing back a new segment tentatively titled, "Fun With Lindsay Lohan's Myspace Blog!" Catchy. When Lindsay No Pants blogs on her Myspace account people not only listen and comment, but all the freaks come out of the woodwork. The other day Lindsay blogged something about some song. Pointless.

Below are some of my favorite comments to Lindsay.....with my thoughts underneath theirs. Good times:

~ Dude, blowin the tree sounds like some risky behavior. Plus, what the hell are you talking about? Also, unless you're a 7 year old girl signing her grandfather's 75th birthday card please never sign things "oxoxoxox."

~ I love when "the fans" turn on Lohan. I had a hard time fully understanding the insults due to the lack of any form of punctuation. The only time you should skip a period is if you're pregnant. Wow, that was deep. I'm wicked smaaaaht.

~ Huh? Wait. What? Ummm. Huh? What was so "beautiful" about what Lohan wrote? I mean, when she said, "but i'm not so quick with myspace sometimes" that really was a pretty sentence. P.S Lindsay is kind of a baby, I guess.

~ Can I make a citizens arrest on this chick for possible stalking? I love knowing every little thing about you? Really? Yeah, that's not creepy at all. I hope your parents aren't looking over your shoulder when you type shit like this on the "family computer" in the living room while they're watching Wheel of Fortune.

~ Well don't you see seem like quite the dish. You have a song tattooed all over your body and you're alone drinking a bottle of tequila all while sending one Ms. Lindsay Lohan a myspace message? Well the "personal ad" practically writes itself! Stop drinking. Thanks.

~ Yeah that sounds like an AWESOME idea. There's nothing I'd like more than to hear Lohan butchering all my favorite songs. Plus, I'm sure Tyra Banks is in the process of doing this right now anyway.

~ Creapo alert! Watching a Lindsay movie while on Lindsay's myspace and typing a message to Lindsay? Priceless. I bet Linds loves that. She should have finished her message with "I'm also drawing freckles all over my body with a red Sharpie. Should I stop once I hit 10,000 or keep going?"


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Fun With Lindsay Lohan's Myspace Blog: Everyone is Creepy

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