Monday, January 12, 2009

Oprah Tries to Fix the Real Housewives of Orange County

Put a cork in your spray tan gun because Oprah's giving away makeoverrrrrrrrs! Everybody gets a makeover. You get a makeover and you get a makeover and you get a makeover and you get a makeover. Everybody gets a makeooovvvverrrrrrr! Ok I'm done.

Blessed Mother Oprah Winfrey decided that the chicks from Real Housewives of Orange County not only needed a complete makeover, but they also needed to be hosed off and left to dry hanging on a clothesline. The crew from Oprahland chiseled off six layers of makeup, placed their racks in the witness protection program, and taught the women that there are other hair color options besides "white." Betty White, that is.

I think the makeovers make them all look 15 years older, although it was nice to get them out of the mid 90's. Jeana (last photo) looks good and thin too! I wonder if they used that camera that Paula Abdul used in her "Promise of a New Day" video?

P.S --> Tamra looks like Elise Keaton from "Family Ties."


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Oprah Tries to Fix the Real Housewives of Orange County

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