Monday, January 5, 2009

Syphilicious is Back!

Aubrey O'Day, aka Syphilicious, is still alive and kicking. I figured she would have dried up and wilted after having her arse kicked out of Danity Kane. Well I was wrong. Syphilicious poured herself into some black pants, grabbed her Tyra Banks wig off of her nightstand, and headed out to the after party for the final performance of Hairspray in New York City last night.

There's been no word if Aubrey will once again join Danity Kane or there will even be a Danity Kane, but last week on Craigslist they were looking for obsessive fans of the the group for Making the Band, so you know Diddy has something up his sleeve. Hopefully he has a facecloth up his sleeve so he can clean Aubrey similar to the way a cat cleans her young. Meow.


Now, You are reading :
Syphilicious is Back!

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