Whilst I was in LA I was lucky enough to be able to check out a taping of Chelsea Lately with Chelsea Handler and score some front row seats and an interview afterwards (thanks Paul!). For a ghetto blogger like myself it was a white-trash dream come true. After the show was finished taping Chelsea's assistant came down and got me and brought me and my friends up to her dressing room to conduct the interview. I, with my tape recorder in hand, focused on not doing Shasta McNasty in my pants.
Let me just say that Chelsea was insanely nice and extremely gracious to even do this interview with me. Let's face it, IBBB is certainly not People or Us Weekly. We chatted about such things as the most douche-baggy celebrity, how to break into the entertainment industry, why I was not ready for the Chelsea Lately panel, whether or not it's ok to miss seeing Britney's "gentlemen greeter," and a variety of other craptastic topics.
So check back tomorrow when I post the interview on "Hills Tuesday" at IBBB. I had 5 minutes to ask her anything I wanted and, needless to say, I jam packed that 5 minutes with complete crap. Would you expect any less from me? See you tomorrow!
1 More Day Until the Chelsea Handler Interview!
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