Heather Locklear, according to People Magazine, has been arrested last night and held in Santa Barbara County jail. As of today she has been released from the slammer-lama-ding-dong and, at this point, no one is talking about why she was arrested. Therefore, I will make the following guesses until the real reason comes out:
- Massive littering whilst having mom-face
- Public intoxication whilst having mom-face
- Jaywalking whilst having mom-face
- Trespassing the old set of Melrose Place whilst having mom-face
Please note the above picture is not Heather Locklear's official mugshot, this is just simply creative and future award-winning photoshopping from IBBB. Also, somewhere Denise Richards is high-fiving Irv.
UPDATE: Heather was allegedly arrested for suspicion of driving while under the influence...all whist having mom-face.
UPDATE # 2: Ch-ch-check out Heather Locklear's official mugshot. Were they shooting this through a screen? How come she didn't pose it out like Paris, Lindsay, and Nicole? She could have at least smiled. Rude.

Heather Locklear Arrested
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