» paula abdul
» Paula Abdul Finds a New Way to Smuggle Her Drugs
Monday, August 18, 2008
Paula Abdul Finds a New Way to Smuggle Her Drugs
Finally that creepy boyfriend that's in the background of the first picture, just standing there all creepily lurking, doesn't have to shove the whole pharmacy up his ass and follow Paula around anymore. When you tilt his head back the pills pop out of his ass like a Pez dispenser. Supposedly. Anyidol, Paula Abdul was all Spanished out at the 2008 ALMA Awards that were held at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in Los Angeles yesterday, which were ironically not sponsored by Goya. I would have just assumed. Go figure. Paula had on a tight dress contraption with a long hot pink bottom of the dress that started just below her bum-bum and went about 2 feet down the red carpet or "rojo" carpet as they would say at the ALMA Awards. Clearly, this is where Paula is hiding her drugs. I'm just kidding. She's not hiding her drugs there. She's hiding her on-all pharmacist under there. Ole!
Paula Abdul Finds a New Way to Smuggle Her Drugs
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