Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everything You Need to Know About 90210 Happens in the Last 14 Minutes

No need to watch the full episodes of 90210. It's basically all filler. Anything you really want see seems to happen in the last 14 minutes. Last week we got to see the return of Kelly's mom, Jackie (the drunken mess) which was more than a treat than seeing Nat try to work the coffee machine at the new trendy Peach Pit.

This week, the last 14 minutes brought us some much needed closure on who Kelly's baby daddy is. As soon as that random teacher dude told Kelly that Brenda filled him in on Kelly's ex, I knew it would be Dylan. Kelly followed Brenda out to the parking lot and they had a bit of an argument......just like the old days! It was then that Brenda revealed that the baby daddy was, in fact, Dylan. It could only have been better if Brenda ended it with, "I hate you both. Never talk to me again!"

Is anyone watching 90210? Thoughts? More crap to share? Should I continue on?


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Everything You Need to Know About 90210 Happens in the Last 14 Minutes

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