Monday, August 25, 2008

Heidi's New Video, Now Cameltoe Free!

Wow! It looks like someone used some of their Hills money to actually make a music video that included such things as "extras," "work-out clothes," and "hair and make-up." I'm actually pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse, but I also thought that when I heard Heidi's last song, "Fashion." Fasion, put it all on me, don't you wanna see these clothes on me? Nope.

This time around Heidi is filming a video for her new "song" called Overdosin'. I'm really hoping that this is one of those times where life imitates art. Only time will tell. I am a little disappointed, however, that with all the old work-out clothes we are not seeing any form of Montag Cameltoe. For me, that is the ultimate goal. I am pleased, though, that the headbands are really making Heidi's chin pop!

Is it ironic that the "backup dancers" behind Heidi are many different nationalities, yet we don't see any of these nationalities represented on actual Hills episodes? Heidi really is a pioneer. She's like Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin. I mean, I don't know how that relates, but any time I can toss in an Eli Whitney references, well, all the better.


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Heidi's New Video, Now Cameltoe Free!

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